16 øre tryk 3 og 50 øre tryk 2
Indsendt af: Ed Mildenhall - 19.01.2011
  Setting: 1877 serie
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Hi Hans,

I was checking the 50 ore sheet scans and noticed that print 2 pos.3 has the same oval
flaw as two other used stamps that I have had for many years.  I have also seen the same
flaw on the oval of a stamp of a collector in the UK.  It does not appear in print 1 nor in
printings after print 2.  I have attached three scans. i) 50ore prnt. 2 pos.3 taken from the
Post Office sheet.  ii) 50ore prnt. 2 pos. 3 of one of the stamps in my collection. iii) 16ore
prnt.3 pos. 3.

The first two scans show the 50ore oval flaw and all three show an additional
frame flaw for pos. 3 in setting 7.

Any comments would be appreciated.

Best wishes,  Ed Mildenhall

Stamp from Post Office sheet, 50 øre print 2 pos. 3

Stamp from my collection, 50 øre print 2 pos. 3

16 øre print 3 pos. 3

Hi Ed

I can see the oval flaw on my two copies of 50ø2 pos. 3 too. A rather big oval
flaw, have given it number OF.46.

The dot in the frame is also seen on 12ø3 pos. 77 and 1c2/3c2 pos. 81 (same frame

Sincerely Lasse Nielsen