12 øre tryk 17 oval problems

Indsendt af: Ed Mildenhall - 22.08.2012, answer from Hans Chr. Engelbrecht - 22.08.2012
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Hi Hans,

The attached diagram shows 'oval flaws' in 12 ore print 17 as seen on the museum sheets.

I have given the OFs temporary numbers (107, 109, etc...) and listed the sheet position in which they are, or are not, found along the top of the grid.


On the left hand side I have listed the sheet names as given on the website.


As can be seen sheet 8 of 9 is very different from the others but, apart from OF 2.32 (which is not present) the LN OFs are all there on this sheet.


I have a few used items which are also consistant with some of the OFs on most of the sheets but not on sheet 8 of 9.


What does all this mean?  Can somebody explain the 'inconsistancies'?


Best wishes,


Ed Mildenhall




Hi Ed,

Thanks for the new oval flaws.

Regarding the sheets on tofarvet.dk they are not “the final sheets” and can only been seen as a help.

According to Lasse Nielsens (LN) red books on page 492, 12 øre tryk 17, was there produced 10056 sheets or 1005600 stamps. They were delivered from Thiele to Control Office in the period from 3/11-1-22/12 1892.

The sheets that Post & Tele Museum has collected, especially sheets from the “Model collection”, is more and less perfect sheets without any flaws. But we know that we can find flaws in them.

Regarding sheet 8 of 9 it can also be the case that Thiele had some quality problems with the production of sheets that day and the Control Office had to wait to finding the “perfect” sheet. And that was sheet 8 of 9.

It can also be something else. Insufficient cleaning of the printing plates, dirt in printing plates, etc. There are many explanations to this problem.
